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Ethereum provider API

MetaMask injects the provider API into websites visited by its users using the window.ethereum provider object. You can use the provider properties, methods, and events in your dapp.



This property is true if the user has MetaMask installed.


This property is non-standard. Non-MetaMask providers may also set this property to true.



window.ethereum.isConnected(): boolean;

Returns true if the provider is connected to the current chain.

If the provider isn't connected, the page must be reloaded to re-establish the connection. See the connect and disconnect events for more information.


This method is unrelated to accessing a user's accounts. In the provider interface, "connected" and "disconnected" refer to whether the provider can make RPC requests to the current chain.


interface RequestArguments {
method: string;
params?: unknown[] | object;

window.ethereum.request(args: RequestArguments): Promise<unknown>;

Use this method to submit RPC API requests to Ethereum using MetaMask. It returns a promise that resolves to the result of the RPC method call.

The parameters and return value vary by RPC method. In practice, if a method has parameters, they're almost always of type Array<any>.

If the request fails, the promise rejects with an error.

The following is an example of using window.ethereum.request(args) to call eth_sendTransaction:

params: [
from: '0xb60e8dd61c5d32be8058bb8eb970870f07233155',
to: '0xd46e8dd67c5d32be8058bb8eb970870f07244567',
gas: '0x76c0', // 30400
gasPrice: '0x9184e72a000', // 10000000000000
value: '0x9184e72a', // 2441406250

method: 'eth_sendTransaction',
.then((result) => {
// The result varies by RPC method.
// For example, this method returns a transaction hash hexadecimal string upon success.
.catch((error) => {
// If the request fails, the Promise rejects with an error.



This method is experimental. Use it at your own risk.

window.ethereum._metamask.isUnlocked(): Promise<boolean>;

Returns a promise that resolves to a boolean indicating if MetaMask is unlocked by the user. MetaMask must be unlocked to perform any operation involving user accounts. Note that this method doesn't indicate if the user has exposed any accounts to the caller.


The MetaMask provider emits events using the Node.js EventEmitter API. The following is an example of listening to the accountsChanged event. You should remove listeners once you're done listening to an event (for example, on component unmount in React).

function handleAccountsChanged(accounts) {
// Handle new accounts, or lack thereof.

window.ethereum.on('accountsChanged', handleAccountsChanged);

// Later

window.ethereum.removeListener('accountsChanged', handleAccountsChanged);

The first argument of window.ethereum.removeListener is the event name, and the second argument is a reference to the function passed to window.ethereum.on for the event.


window.ethereum.on('accountsChanged', handler: (accounts: Array<string>) => void);

The provider emits this event when the return value of the eth_accounts RPC method changes. eth_accounts returns either an empty array, or an array that contains the addresses of the accounts the caller is permitted to access with the most recently used account first. Callers are identified by their URL origin, which means that all sites with the same origin share the same permissions.

This means that the provider emits accountsChanged when the user's exposed account address changes. Listen to this event to handle accounts.


window.ethereum.on('chainChanged', handler: (chainId: string) => void);

The provider emits this event when the currently connected chain changes. Listen to this event to detect a user's network.


We strongly recommend reloading the page upon chain changes, unless you have a good reason not to:

window.ethereum.on('chainChanged', (chainId) => window.location.reload());


interface ConnectInfo {
chainId: string;

window.ethereum.on('connect', handler: (connectInfo: ConnectInfo) => void);

The provider emits this event when it's first able to submit RPC requests to a chain. We recommend listening to this event and using the window.ethereum.isConnected() provider method to determine when the provider is connected.


ethereum.on('disconnect', handler: (error: ProviderRpcError) => void);

The provider emits this event if it becomes unable to submit RPC requests to a chain. In general, this only happens due to network connectivity issues or some unforeseen error.

When the provider emits this event, it doesn't accept new requests until the connection to the chain is re-established, which requires reloading the page. You can also use the window.ethereum.isConnected() provider method to determine if the provider is disconnected.


interface ProviderMessage {
type: string;
data: unknown;

window.ethereum.on('message', handler: (message: ProviderMessage) => void);

The provider emits this event when it receives a message that the user should be notified of. The type property identifies the kind of message.

RPC subscription updates are a common use case for this event. For example, if you create a subscription using eth_subscribe, each subscription update is emitted as a message event with a type of eth_subscription.


All errors returned by the MetaMask provider follow this interface:

interface ProviderRpcError extends Error {
message: string;
code: number;
data?: unknown;

The window.ethereum.request(args) provider method throws errors eagerly. You can use the error code property to determine why the request failed. Common codes and their meaning include:

  • 4001 - The request is rejected by the user.
  • -32602 - The parameters are invalid.
  • -32603 - Internal error.

For the complete list of errors, see EIP-1193 and EIP-1474.


The eth-rpc-errors package implements all RPC errors returned by the MetaMask provider, and can help you identify their meaning.