JavaScript SDK options
The JavaScript version of MetaMask SDK takes several options. For example, you can specify options as follows:
const options = {
injectProvider: false,
communicationLayerPreference: 'webrtc',
const MMSDK = new MetaMaskSDK(options);
The following table shows the full list of options:
Option name | Type | Default value | Description |
dappMetadata | {name: "My Dapp", url: ""} | undefined | Only required for non-web dapps (for example, React Native and Unity). |
injectProvider | boolean | true | Doesn't inject in Node.js or React Native since the window object is unavailable. |
forceInjectProvider | boolean | false | Forces injection even if another provider is already present on the window object. |
forceDeleteProvider | boolean | false | Forces deletion of a provider that exists on a window. |
checkInstallationImmediately | boolean | false | The SDK checks if MetaMask is installed when a call to eth_requestAccounts is made. When true , it checks before any call is made. |
checkInstallationOnAllCalls | boolean | false | Normally checked when a call to eth_requestAccounts is made. When true , it checks on all calls. |
shouldShimWeb3 | boolean | true | Set as true if window.web3 should be shimmed for legacy compatibility purposes. |
preferDesktop | boolean | false | For a web dapp running on a desktop browser without a MetaMask extension, the SDK gives the option to connect with a MetaMask Mobile wallet via a QR code. When true , the SDK guides the user to install the MetaMask extension instead. |
openDeeplink | (deeplinkUrl: string) => void | undefined | Platforms open deeplinks differently. For example, web: versus React Native: . This function retrieves the deeplink URL and allows developers to customize how it opens. |
getUniversalLink | () => string | undefined | Get the universal link that is presented on the QR Code (web) and deeplinks (mobile). This makes it easier to enable users to connect with backend code. |
communicationLayerPreference | "socket" or "webrtc" | socket | Defines the communication library that the dapp and MetaMask wallet use to communicate with each other. Waku or another similar decentralized communication layer solution coming soon. |
webRTCLib | WebRTC Lib | undefined | Not installed on the SDK by default. |
WalletConnectInstance | WalletConnect Lib | undefined | Connect a dapp to MetaMask using WalletConnect. Not installed by default. |
forceRestartWalletConnect | boolean | false | Set forceRestartWalletConnect to true to kill the previous WalletConnect session and start another one. |
transports | ['websocket', 'polling'] | undefined | Used to set the preference on transports to use . |
timer | BackgroundTimer | undefined | Used by React Native dapps to keep the dapp alive while using react-native-background-timer in the background |
enableDebug | boolean | true | Enables/disables the sending of debugging information to the server. The default is true for the beta version of the SDK. The default is false in production versions. |
If your project is a web dapp and injectProvider
is true
, then the ethereum
object should be
available in window.ethereum